Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend Procrastination

I am supposed to be working on this AssessMe thingamajig for my friend-church (we don't go there but a couple of years ago I forged some friendships there and we still keep up). Its 87 questions, so I am procrastinating - just like in school. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator. Procrastinator - just wanted to say it one more time.

This weekend I drove in my car, by myself, for 4 hours. FOUR HOURS. It was the first time since 2008. No, really. I went to this indescribable retreat for moms of special needs kids. Not special needs moms - I said that accidentally to a friend this morning at church. Belly laugh.

Listen, I am not a women's retreat or conference go-er - the thought kind of makes me grit my teeth and make me order my own hotel room, by myself (I like my alone time - in case you couldn't tell).

But this was prefect in every way. I read a blog post by Jen Hatmaker the other day where she referred to our generation as her tribe.

I have to say these ladies are my tribe and I could not be more proud to be associated with them, to eat, laugh, cry and worship with them. We speak the same language and have the same fears. Check out their whole-family ministry at the Rising Above FB Page.

And then there was the included spa - but I digress.

God is so good. 

Over the last few months, the giant recurring theme has been God's Provision. If I am repeating myself, it cause He's been repeating Himself! I am - I know its crazy - still in the middle of reading one of George Muller's books. Mine doesn't look like this because I borrowed it from the illustrious Mr. Skip from church and its from 1941. Yeah, you read that right. Something Muller did that stuck with me was he wrote his requests to God down. Yes, I know you've done that before, but I mean like a dated sentence or less on one side of the book and the corresponding answer on the opposite page. At last count, there were fifty thousand prayers God answered for Muller, five thousand on the same day.

Here are two ways God met our needs that have nothing to do with Little Handsome from my notes: 4/12/13 seeing God: saw a 31 verse party in my neighborhood with strangers, wished I could stop and get this organizing wall thing, but decided I didn't need to spend the money. Three days later one of my aunt's emailed and wanted to gift me something from 31.

Also on 4/12. Squirrels in the attic. Sweetheart isn't sure what he's going to do. Even if we hire someone, our tall house needs a creative solution. Our across the street neighbor randomly rents a manlift to get their house ready for a party and Sweetheart solves the problem (with Him) for free.

He is so good to me. Even in the very smallest things.

He is FIGHTING for me. 


 29 Then I said to you, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. 30 The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, 31 and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”

 Deuteronomy 1:29-31

The LORD carries you.

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