Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What's in a Name?

Ahhhhh, Starbucks and Gilmore Girls. I have exactly one hour by myself today while the eldest crazies are at school and Schmoopy is napping.

Perhaps you were wondering why in the world I named this blog what I did. Maybe you are even kind of offended. When I first started thinking about a blog again, this is the first name that came into my head. That speaks volumes of my sense of humor - and maybe The Lord's. I tried it out on my mom and she was like, "oh yeah. Funny, like if you don't laugh sometimes you"ll cry." So noble that woman. That is certainly one way you can take it, but, nope. I mean sometimes its just funny. Sometimes what Little Handsome does is just classicly quirky and slightly unusual and makes me laugh out loud.

Back to the name of the blog. The day after we got our diagnosis, I took Little Handsome with me to grocery shop while Sweetheart had the other two. Afterwards we stopped at Dairy Queen (very developed palettes, have we). Little Handsome chose one of the tall bar tables to sit at. We're just hanging out and BOOM, Handsome just completely falls out of his chair and onto the floor. Now I know my mom instincts should not have been to bust out laughing as I oh-so-compassionately helped him up while the world watched (it was half price day), but that's what happened. I did manage to stop myself from yelling, "don't worry! He's autistic." And for that I am pretty proud.

Yes, he was fine, but I will forever remember that incident as a defining moment in changing the way I view some things that Little Handsome does. And also how I don't want to be the mom that shouts out "he's autistic!" every time he does something out of the ordinary.

Because, y'all, my kid is extraordinary.


  1. I love this, Aby. You really amaze me, and I love you for that! YOU are the extraordinary one, my dear. What a great mother you are! I'm taking notes! ;)

    1. Liz! Thank you so much! I really have no idea what I am doing! It's all God - I'm just a normal girl! Miss your face!

  2. I love this, Aby, and please forgive me for misspelling your name in my previous post on your latest entry :)
