Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Comprehensive Evaluation Part 2

The past: Sweetheart and I met with the psychologist, the speech therapist and the occupational therapist that did Little Handsome's evaluations. I don't want to gloss over or hurry through this moment. It was weird. You know those moments when you can't explain why you react the way you do, but know it can only be God? Strangely, my prayer that day wasn't for Little Handsome. In my heart, I already knew the results and He prepared me for that. God just wanted me to glorify Him during that meeting. To show Him to the one's giving us the results. Weird.
I left there feeling blessed and taken care of, scared and exhilarated. So boom. We've got a kiddo with autism.

First thing I did was call his school and set up a meeting with the director later that day because all of the kiddos were taken care of. GOD BLEW MY MIND DURING THAT MEETING. My purpose was to talk to the director about how they handle special needs kids (it's a private preschool) and to seek out what teacher might be a good fit for Little Handsome next year as registration was coming up one week later (God is so good).

You know what my Savior did? Before I even called that morning, the director spoke to Little Handsome's current teacher to see what teacher might be a good fit for him next year. Lets just let that sink in...I had never even spoken to the director before.

He walks before us. The Lord will give you meager bread and water during oppression, but your Teacher will not hide Himself any longer. Your eyes will see your Teacher, and whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:20, 21 HCSB)

Thus began the next chapter, the newest adventure. I don't always feel secure ...there are so many decisions you have to make. You have to fight. Be your kid's advocate. Be tireless and relentless in finding therapy all while having no idea what you're doing. Sometimes I feel like I was born for this. Sometimes you'll find me crying in my minivan or at the kitchen table.
All I have in You is more than enough.


  1. Abby, you are awesome! and this just brought tears to my eyes :) Parker is some kind of blessed to have you for his mommy!

    1. Thank you Lindsey! Frankly, some days are better than others...
