Tuesday, March 5, 2013


When I pray with the kids, I have a tendency to count down 3,2,1 to get their attention and prepare them to pray. Kinda wish I would've had a 3,2,1 to prepare me for the last few months!


This is the inaugural post of the blog. And as you can guess by the title, we are now proud owners of an autistic kid. I know, I know, we've always had Little Handsome, but it is so very eye-opening to look at him with different lenses. It's simultaneously overwhelming and relieving to have a diagnosis.


The purpose of the blog: to share with our friends and family all at once what's currently going on with Little Handsome, to be normal and real about this process in our lives, and to bring glory to God.


I have kept short journal entries on my phone from the beginning, so for a while I will be giving backstory and exactly how God was and is speaking to me throughout. I hope whomever is reading will get some laughs, info and inspiration into who He is in our lives.


One disclaimer: It's said that if you know one kid on the spectrum, then you know one kid on the spectrum. Meaning-every diagnosis is unique, every kid is unique and every treatment is unique to that kiddo and their family. I am also completely new to this and the learning curve is crazy. We (Sweetheart and I) have to educate ourselves in order to be great advocates for Little Handsome.


I am so excited you're with us on this roller coaster ride! Enjoy!


Oh and one last thing - to honor my Sweetheart, I will have very few pics and be using code names for our babies.



Sweetheart: my husband of 6 years

Little Handsome: our 3.75-year-old boy diagnosed with autistic disorder and expressive-receptive language delay in January 2013

Ladybelle: our 2-year-old girl

Schmoopy: our 5 month old boy


1 comment:

  1. praying for you as you navigate this journey! looking forward to praying & laughing alongside you!
