Thursday, March 6, 2014

Rigidity and Sheldon Cooper

Savior, He can move the mountains. My God is Mighty to save, He is Mighty to save. Forever, author of salvation. He rose and conquered the grave. Jesus conquered the grave...Songwriters

My God is Mighty to Save. Today, I have my headphones on during naptime. It's what it takes to hear sometimes. They'll survive in their rooms on their own for a while - its foolish of me to think otherwise.

I don't even know what I am writing about today. Just felt compelled to do so!

I rejoice over His Goodness and that He gives you and I the chance to participate in His Story - mind-boggling. I rejoice over the friends that He has shown me over the past year. This was a pointed prayer that I have had for a few years - wanting deep friendships with ladies close to me that I would see often. He has so provided. How thankful I am am to have this support and love from you. You are praying. We see it. We feel it. Thank you for being used by the Great and Mighty. Goodness, Lord, lead me to the Cross.

I deeply encourage you to reach out to your community of friends and share your struggles.

I just want His Heart. His Heart often involves ministry when we feel 100% EXHAUSTED. Which is basically what most mom's (parents) feel all the time. I think there are stages of therapy like there are stages of grief...Right now, I find myself talking more to the mom's around me whereas, a year ago I would peace out into my own world - self-preservation in the crazy. BUT, stepping out and just having conversations with these fellow therapy mom's that are part of my tribe and speak my language is just fantastic.

Another thing that has been happening - I've started working with Usborne Books & More. Perhaps you're thinking - what the crap?

I gotta tell you, I just feel like He is delighting in me having fun with it. If it is ever something different than that, I will shift my focus. For now, I spend an hour or two a day on it - during the kiddos' naps.

Handsome has definitely improved since my last post. We have pinpointed a few things. Mainly as of late, rigidity. This is a term used alot with Asperger's kids and those diagnosed with OCD. Handsome is not diagnosed with Aspergers (which clinically doesn't exist anymore due to the DSM-V changes) and would never have been as he had a speech delay. Click here for a blog post that describes rigidity from the autistic perspective. 

Here is a hilarious example of rigidity from Big Bang Theory. This is EXACTLY what our ABA therapists are doing with Handsome starting this week. I had one of our therapists say you know [Handsome] is Sheldon, right?